Arizona Department of Education AT Short Term Loan Library
Arizona Department of Education, Exceptional Student Services works in partnership with Northern Arizona University Institute for Human Development Arizona Technology Access Program to make available at no cost, a wide variety of assistive technology devices, equipment, software, and professional development materials to school personnel to improve access to assistive technology.
Publisher: Arizona Department of Education
Distributed Leadership Through the Lenses of Special Education Leaders
The results of this study laid the foundation for understanding how the perceptions of distributed leadership shift over the course of careers as leaders of special education mature in leadership positions. Using the qualitative and quantitative data from this study, a continuum of distributed leadership is proposed along which three contexts are situated: planned, embedded, and natural.
Authors: Patrick Tudryn, Mary Lynn Boscardin, and Craig Wells
Publication Date: March 2016
Publisher: Journal of Special Education Leadership
High-Leverage Practices in Special Education
The high leverage practices in special education are organized around four aspects of practice—collaboration, assessment, instruction, and social/emotional/behavioral practices—and provide guidance for special education teachers as they enact practices in these areas in reciprocal ways.
Authors: James McLeskey, Mary-Dean Barringer, Bonnie Billingsley, Mary Brownell, Dia Jackson, Michael Kennedy, Tim Lewis, Larry Maheady, Jackie Rodriguez, Mary Catherine Scheeler, Judy Winn, and Deborah Ziegler
Publication Date: January 2017
Publisher: Council for Exceptional Children and CEEDAR Center
Introducing High-Leverage Practices in Special Education: A Professional Development Guide for School Leaders
This downloadable online guide provides school leaders, including administrators, principals, mentors and coaches, with practical tools for engaging their staff members in learning about how high-leverage practices in special education can enhance student learning in the school and district.
Publication Date: 2019
Publisher: Council for Exceptional Children and CEEDAR Center
Preparing Teachers for Effective Paraeducator Supervision
Paraeducators are an integral part of the instructional process and support services for students with disabilities. This brief offers recommendations and guidelines for better preparation of teachers for their supervisory roles with paraeducators.
Authors: Peggy Yates, Ritu Chopra, Sarah Douglas, Virginia Walker, Rob Schulze, Emily Sobeck, and Stephanie Morano
Publication Date: November 2019
Publisher: Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children
School Climate and Shared Leadership
This brief explains shared leadership and offers five strategies that lead to and sustain shared leadership in schools and addresses some of the challenges school leaders, teachers, students, and school community members may experience while co-creating positive school climates.
Authors: William Hughes and Terry Pickeral
Publication Date: February 2013
Publishers: National School Climate Center
School Practices and Accountability for Students With Disabilities
This report illustrates the findings of a study comparing school practices and accountability for students with disabilities. Among the findings, always accountable schools favored co-teaching, tiered instructional intervention, PBIS, and adopting reading across the curriculum.
Authors: Jenifer Harr-Robins, Mengli Song, Michael Garet, and Louis Danielson
Publication Date: February 2015
Publisher: Institute of Education Sciences
The UDL Guidelines
The UDL Guidelines are a tool used in the implementation of Universal Design for Learning. These guidelines offer a set of concrete suggestions that can be applied to any discipline or domain to ensure that all learners can access and participate in meaningful, challenging learning opportunities.
Publication Date: 2018
Publisher: CAST