AASP Position Statement on ADHD and OHI Eligibility
This position paper recognizes school psychologists play vital roles in the evaluation, identification, and intervention planning and monitoring for students with ADHD. School psychologists help teams to comprehensively assess the needs of these students, collaborate with others to differentially diagnose ADHD from other potential causes of attention problems, and serve as liaisons with the family and outside professionals regarding assessment and intervention.
Publication Date: April 2018
Publisher: Arizona Association of School Psychologists
Advanced Tiers in High School: Lessons Learned from Initial Implementation
The intent of this brief is to share lessons learned related to strengths and challenges that have influenced the initial implementation of advanced tiers of support for schools and lessons learned for district leaders and trainers to consider when supporting high schools.
Authors: Katherine Meyer, Susannah Everett, and Jen Freeman
Publication Date: April 2021
Publisher: Center on PBIS, University of Oregon
Building a Culture of Staff Wellness Through Multi-Tiered System of Supports
The purpose of this brief is to provide recommendations to district and school leadership teams on how the components of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) can be used to prioritize staff health and well-being.
Authors: Susan Barrett, Kimberly Yanek, Catherine Raulerson, Ami Flammini, and Nicholas Scheel
Publication Date: March 2021
Publisher: Center on PBIS, University of Oregon
Core Principles: Evaluation and Identification of Learning Disabilities
Accurate identification through a thorough evaluative process is the first step to ensure that individuals with learning disabilities receive the services, supports, and accommodations that are required for academic success. It is the position of the Learning Disabilities Association of America that the domains discussed in this article must be assessed as part of a thorough evaluation for potential learning disabilities.
Publication Date: February 2019
Publisher: Learning Disabilities Association of America
ESSA and Multitiered Systems of Support for School Psychologists
This article discusses the importance for school psychologists to actively advocate for and participate in the implementation of MTSS in their schools to facilitate the selection of evidence-based curriculum and interventions, administer psychometrically sound universal screening and progress monitoring tools, support fidelity of intervention implementation, and facilitate appropriate data analysis and interpretation.
Publisher: National Association of School Psychologists
High School Acknowledgement Systems
This practice brief is focused on effective ways to build an acknowledgement system that works in high school. It starts by suggesting why considering a formal acknowledgement system is appropriate in high school, and then reviews examples of strategies that have been demonstrated to be effective.
Authors: K. Brigid Flannery, Robert Horner, Patricia Hershfeldt, Stephanie Martinez, and Tamika La Salle
Publication Date: August 2020
Publisher: Center on PBIS, University of Oregon
Installing an Interconnected Systems Framework at the School Level: Recommendations and Examples to Guide School Leadership Teams, Practitioners and Coaches Introduction
This practice guide describes and illustrates how schools benefit from the integration of school mental health supports within the PBIS Framework. It includes how schools can strengthen their PBIS system by including families and community partners as they apply data-based decision-making to an expanded continuum of social-emotional-behavioral supports.
Authors: Lucille Eber, Erin Scherder, Catherine Raulerson, Dama Abshier, Kelly Perales, and Mark Weist
Publication Date: February 2021
Publisher: Center on PBIS, University of Oregon
Integrating a Trauma-Informed Approach within a PBIS Framework
This brief describes how district and school leaders can incorporate trauma-informed practices within a PBIS framework. This ensures investments in training school personnel about trauma can be incorporated into a system that links these efforts to student outcomes.
Authors: Lucille Eber, Susan Barrett, Nicholas Scheel, Ami Flammini, and Katie Pohlman
Publication Date: May 2021
Publisher: Center on PBIS, University of Oregon
Making the Time: Relationships Among the School Specialists
This study examined the relationships among school specialists; specifically, special education teachers; Child Study Team members, school psychologists and school social workers; and school counselors, who provide support to students with specific learning needs and their families.
Authors: Meredith Drew and Michelle Gonzalez
Publication Date: 2021
Publisher: School Community Journal
PBIS High School Implementation: Leveraging Features of the PBIS Framework to Support College and Career Readiness
The purpose of this brief is to provide guidance and concrete examples to school personnel of how schools can leverage an existing PBIS framework to support College and Career Readiness efficiently and effectively.
Authors: Jennifer Freeman, Laura Kern, Allison Lombardi, Mary Morningstar, and Valerie Mazzotti
Publication Date: March 2021
Publisher: Center on PBIS, University of Oregon
Raising Special Kids
Raising Special Kids, Arizona’s Parent Training and Information Center, provides free support, training, information, and individual assistance so families can become effective advocates for their children. Information includes how to refer a family, what to expect after a referral, and training opportunities.
Publisher: Raising Special Kids
Related Services Providers: Important Contributors to the Accommodations Decision-Making Process
This brief suggests strategies for supporting related services providers so that they can participate more confidently as members of Individualized Education Program teams when decisions are made about instructional and assessment accommodations.
Authors: Sheryl Lazarus, Linda Goldstone, Martha Thurlow, and Gail Ghere
Publication Date: December 2021
Publisher: National Center on Educational Outcomes
Standards and Certification
NASP 2020 Professional Standards are a unified set of national principles that guide professional practices, credentialing, graduate preparation, and ethical behavior of effective school psychologists. Accompanying policy documents are intended to define contemporary school psychology, promote comprehensive and integrated services for children, families, and schools, and provide a foundation and vision for the future of school psychology.
Publication Date: May 2020
Publisher: National Association of School Psychologists
Supporting PBIS Implementation Through Phases of Crisis Recovery
This practice brief provides strategies to guide implementation efforts through the various phase of crisis recovery for schools and districts that are getting started or strengthening and maintaining current implementation.
Authors: Steve Goodman, Jen Freeman, Brandi Simonsen, and Susan Barrett
Publication Date: February 2021
Publisher: Center on PBIS, University of Oregon
The Identification of Specific Learning Disabilities: A Summary of Research on Best Practices
This report summarizes research on the identification of SLD and makes recommendations for practice. It begins with a summary of the legal requirements for SLD identification and what constitutes a comprehensive evaluation. It then discusses the attributes of SLD according to different conceptual frameworks and reviews research on the reliability and validity of different methods for SLD identification that emanate from these frameworks. The report concludes with recommendations for best practice, regardless of the specific identification methods employed.
Authors: Jack M. Fletcher and Jeremy Miciak
Publication Date: 2019
Publisher: Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk
Who Are School Psychologists?
This brochure explains school psychologists provide direct support and interventions to students; consult with teachers, families, and other school-employed mental health professionals (i.e., school counselors, school social workers) to improve support strategies; work with school administrators to improve school-wide practices and policies; and collaborate with community providers to coordinate needed services.
Publication Date: 2014
Publisher: National Association of School Psychologists
Why Prioritize Behavior Support?
This brief describes why it is critical to continue to prioritize behavior support in addition to academic, social, and emotional supports. With effective behavior support implemented within a PBIS framework, rigorous research has demonstrated that students and educators experience positive outcomes.
Publication Date: March 2021
Publisher: Center on PBIS, University of Oregon