A Parent and Educator Guide to School Climate Resources
This guide is intended to provide parents, teachers, administrators, and other interested parties with a general understanding of school climate, school climate improvement activities, and the availability of additional resources.
Publication Date: April 2019
Publisher: U. S Department of Education
Raising Special Kids Help and Hope for Families
Raising Special Kids exists to improve the lives of children with the full range of disabilities, from birth to age 26, by providing support, training, information, and individual assistance so families can become effective advocates for their children.
Publication Date: 2022
Publisher: Raising Special Kids
Through Your Child’s Eyes
These videos have students talking about their challenges and experts offering tips on how parents can support struggling students. Hear about reading challenges from students in second, fifth, and eighth grades; math challenges from students in first, sixth, and tenth grades; writing challenges from students in first, fifth, and twelfth grades; attention challenges from students in second, fourth, and eleven grades; and organization challenges from students in second, fifth, and ninth grades.
Publisher: Understood
Who’s Who in Your Child's School
This article provides a selected list of who's who at your school: the teaching and administrative staff as well as organizations at the district level.
Publication Date: 2015
Publisher: Reading Rockets