10 Key Math Practices for All Middle and High Schools
This brief resource lists concepts and examples for teaching math based on evidence of effectiveness from high-quality research.
Publication Date: 2017
Publisher: Meadows Center and University of Texas Austin
A Guide for Evaluating the Mathematics Programs Used by Special Education Teachers
This article provides special education teachers with a practical guide for assessing and evaluating the extent to which mathematics programs contain validated principles of explicit mathematics instruction. An example illustrates how teachers can apply the evaluation guide and use the results to address potential instructional shortfalls of mathematics programs.
Authors: Christian Doabler, Jean Louise Smith, Nancy Nelson, Ben Clarke, Tricia Berg, and Hank Fien
Publication Date: 2018
Publisher: Hammill Institute on Disabilities
Arizona Department of Education AT Short Term Loan Library
Arizona Department of Education, Exceptional Student Services works in partnership with Northern Arizona University Institute for Human Development Arizona Technology Access Program to make available at no cost, a wide variety of assistive technology devices, equipment, software and professional development materials to school personnel in order to improve access to assistive technology.
Publisher: Arizona Department of Education
Continuing the Journey: Mathematics Learning 2021 and Beyond
This document addresses three key areas that have implications for access to high-quality mathematics teaching and learning. The three areas are a focus on grade-level content; comprehensive instruction, effective teaching practices; and planning for advocacy.
Publication Date: July 2021
Publisher: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and Leadership in Mathematics Education
Evidence from the National Assessment for Educational Progress-High School Longitudinal Study of 2019 Overlap Sample
This study uses the overlap sample of about 3,500 students who participated both in the High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 and the 2013 Grade 12 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics assessment to investigate how mathematics motivation at grades 9 and 11 related to grade 12 NAEP mathematics performance.
Authors: Jizhi Zhang, George Bohrnstedt, Bitnara Jasmine Park, Sakiko Ikoma, Burhan Ogut, and Markus Broer
Publication Date: July 2021
Publisher: American Institutes for Research
Helping Students With Mathematics Difficulties Understand Ratios and Proportions
This article provides examples of misconceptions that can interfere with student learning of ratios and proportional reasoning and examines structuring intensive interventions with evidence-based lesson components and progress-monitoring to address essential needs for learning ratios and proportional reasoning, fundamental concepts of algebra.
Authors: Barbara Dougherty, Diane Pedrotty Bryant, Brian Bryant, and Mikyung Shin
Publication Date: 2017
Publisher: TEACHING Exceptional Children
High-Quality Mathematics Instruction: What Teachers Should Know
This IRIS Center module describes the components of high-quality mathematics instruction: a standards-based curriculum and evidence-based practices. It highlights several evidence-based practices and other classroom practices that teachers can use to teach mathematics.
Publication Date: 2022
Publisher: Vanderbilt University
How Math Instruction and Math Interventions Can Improve Student Outcomes
Research-based principles and practices in math intervention research can be applied in the middle grades to improve student outcomes. These research-based strategies will enable middle grade students to develop important mathematics knowledge and skills to become algebra-ready.
Publication Date: April 2017
Publisher: Middle School Matters Institute, George W. Bush Institute
How to Use Retrieval Practice to Improve Learning
Established by nearly 100 years of research, retrieval practice is a simple learning technique that is easy to implement, with lasting results. This guide discusses how to use retrieval practice to improve learning.
Authors: Pooja Agarwal, Henry Roediger, Mark McDaniel, and Kathleen McDermott
Publication Date: 2020
Publisher: Washington State in St. Louis
Improving Mathematical Problem Solving in Grades 4 Through 8
This practice guide offers five recommendations that provide teachers with a coherent approach for regularly incorporating problem solving into their classroom instruction to achieve this end. It presents evidence-based suggestions for putting each recommendation into practice and describes roadblocks that may be encountered, as well as possible solutions.
Authors: John Woodward, Sybilla Beckmann, Mark Driscoll, Megan Franke, Patricia Herzig, Asha Jitendra, Kenneth Koedinger, and Philip Ogbuehi
Publication Date: 2018
Publisher: Institute of Education Sciences
Intensive Interventions in Mathematics
Intensive intervention is an individualized, demanding, and concentrated approach to instruction. This article presents the evidence-based elements of intensive intervention that teachers should consider when planning for, implementing, and monitoring intensive intervention in mathematics.
Authors: Sarah Powell and Lynn Fuchs
Publication Date: 2015
Publisher: Learning Disabilities Research and Practice
Interleaved Mathematics Practice Giving Students a Chance to Learn What They Need to Know
This guide describes interleaved practice, a learning method that is backed by science. The method is easy to use and does not require teachers to change how they teach. Students can use it in class or at home and with or without computers.
Authors: Doug Rohrer, Robert Dedrick, and Pooja Agarwal
Publication Date: 2017
Publisher: University of South Florida
Interleaving in Math A Research-Based Strategy to Boost Learning
This article discusses how teachers can ensure students are learning math and improving their skills in the short term and the long term with interleaving, the simple strategy of mixing up concepts to be learned, can increase math learning.
Authors: Pooja Agarwal and Anne Agostinelli
Publication Date: Spring 2020
Publisher: American Educator
Principles for Designing Intervention in Mathematics
The purpose of this guide is to provide brief explanations of practices that can be implemented when working with students in need of intensive intervention in mathematics.
Publication Date: 2016
Publisher: National Center on Intensive Intervention
Retrieval Practice Consistently Benefits Student Learning: a Systematic Review of Applied Research in Schools and Classrooms
This review makes eight recommendations for future research and provides educators with a better understanding of the robust benefits of retrieval practice across a range of school and classroom settings.
Authors: Pooja Agarwal, Ludmila Nunes, and Janell Blunt
Publication Date: March 2021
Publisher: Educational Psychology Review
School Accommodation
This webpage lists strategies to teach students with a math disability, characteristics of learners with a math disability, and instructional strategies to support those students.
Author: Renee Newman
Publication Date: February 2020
Publisher: Dyscalculia.org
Specific Learning Disability in Mathematics: A Comprehensive Review
This article reviews the changing terminology for specific learning disabilities in math and describes the emerging genetics and neuroimaging studies that relate to individuals with math disability. It discusses the importance to maintain a developmental perspective, as presentation changes with age, instruction, and the different models of identification. Newer directions in behavioral, educational, and novel interventions are described.
Authors: Neelkamal Soares, Teresa Evans, Dilip Patel
Publication Date: January 2018
Publisher: Translational Pediatrics
Strategies and Interventions to Support Students with Mathematics Disabilities
This document provides an overview of strategies and resources to support students with, or at-risk for, mathematics learning disabilities.
Authors: Brittany Hott, Laura Isbell, and Teresa Oettinger Montani
Publication Date: December 2014
Publisher: Council for Learning Disabilities
Strategies to Improve All Students’ Mathematics Learning and Achievement
This series of articles cover reflecting on the achievement gap, providing key characteristics of effective training for teachers, building on strengths of a kindergarten student, providing high quality math instruction for all, supporting English learners in the mathematics classroom, and helping children from low-income communities become young mathematicians.
Authors: Courtney Arthur, Eden Badertscher, Paul Goldenberg, Babette Moeller, Matt McLeod, Johannah Nikula, and Kristen Reed
Publication Date: 2017
Publisher: Education Development Center
Teaching Strategies for Improving Algebra Knowledge in Middle and High School Students
This practice guide presents evidenced-based suggestions for how to improve algebra skills and knowledge for students in grades 6–12. The guide offers three recommendations that provide teachers with specific, actionable guidance for implementing these practices in their classrooms. It also provides a level of supporting evidence for each recommendation, examples to use in class, and solutions to potential implementation challenges.
Authors: Jon Star, Pia Caronongan, Anne Foegen, Joshua Furgeson, Betsy Keating, Matthew Larson, Julia Lyskawa,
William McCallum, Jane Porath, and Rose Mary Zbiek
Publication Date: January 2019 Revised
Publisher: Institute of Education Sciences
The UDL Guidelines
The UDL Guidelines are a tool used in the implementation of Universal Design for Learning. These guidelines offer a set of concrete suggestions that can be applied to any discipline or domain to ensure that all learners can access and participate in meaningful, challenging learning opportunities.
Publication Date: 2018
Publisher: CAST