Encompassing Practices

10 Key Policies and Practices for Explicit Instruction with Strong Evidence of Effectiveness from High-Quality Research
This guide provides 10 practices for explicit instruction and includes various scenarios for using each. Incorporating these practices supports all students.
Publication Date: 2021
Publisher: Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk

Content Area and Disciplinary Literacy Strategies and Frameworks
This document defines the terms content area literacy and disciplinary literacy and their distinct approaches, what they mean, and how they are best combined in classroom literacy instruction. It includes a table of sample combination approaches using literacy strategies and disciplinary literacy frameworks.
Publication Date: 2017
Publisher: International Literacy Association

Defining High Quality PBL: A Look at the Research
This white paper explores this research to clarify the criteria, describe how and why they contribute to High Quality Project Based Learning, and propose a set of terms that can be used by the educational community and others to describe and discuss High Quality Project Based Learning.
Author: John Mergendoller
Publication Date: April 2018
Publisher: High Quality Project-Based Learning

Differentiated Instruction: Maximizing the Learning of All Students
This module discusses the importance of differentiating three aspects of instruction: content, process or instructional methods, and product or assessment. It explores the student traits of readiness level, interest, and learning preferences that influence learning.
Publication Date: 2022
Publisher: IRIS Center Vanderbilt University

Framework for Teaching
The Framework for Teaching has proven to accelerate teacher growth, improve student outcomes, and create a more rewarding and sustaining professional environment. Explore the 2022 updates in the Framework for Teaching with this interactive, digital resource that transforms the guide into a hands-on online tool to gain a deeper understanding of the domains, components, elements of success, and more.
Publication Date: 2022
Publisher: The Danielson Group

Graphic Organizers: Guiding Principles and Effective Practices
Research and best practices have shown that, for graphic organizers to be effective instructional tools, several factors must be addressed. This packet will present strategies and approaches for incorporating these elements, along with outlining the primary categories and uses for graphic organizers.
Publication Date: 2015
Publisher: William and Mary Training and Technical Assistance Center

High-Leverage Practices and Evidence-Based Practices: A Promising Pair
High-leverage practices and evidence-based practices when used together can become powerful tools for improving student outcomes. This brief shows the promise of these practices in advancing educator preparation and practice and, subsequently, outcomes for students with disabilities and those who struggle.
Authors: Erica D. McCray, Margaret Kamman, Mary T. Brownell, and Suzanne Robinson
Publication Date: October 2017
Publisher: CEEDAR Center

How Does Changing “One-Size-Fits-All” to Differentiated Instruction Affect Teaching?
This rigorous literature review analyzed how 28 research studies conducted between 2001 and 2015 have defined, described, and measured changes in teaching practices related to implementation of differentiated instruction in P-12 classrooms.
Authors: Rhonda Bondie, Christine Dahnke, and Akane Zusho
Publication Date: March 2019
Publisher: Review of Research in Education

Identifying and Supporting English Learner Students with Learning Disabilities: Key Issues in the Literature and State Practice
This study describes the key elements to inform policymakers interested in developing more effective procedures for identifying, assessing, and supporting English learner students who may have learning disabilities.
Authors: Elizabeth Burr, Eric Haas, and Karen Ferriere
Publication Date: July 2015
Publisher: Institute of Education Sciences

Implications for Educational Practice of the Science of Learning and Development
This article seeks to contribute to the process of integrating insights across multiple fields and connecting them to knowledge of successful approaches that is emerging in education by drawing out the implications for school and classroom practices of an emerging consensus about the science of learning and development outlined in a recent synthesis of the research.
Authors: Linda Darling-Hammond, Lisa Flook, Channa Cook-Harvey, Brigid Barron, and David Osher
Publication Date: February 2019
Publisher: Applied Developmental Science

Interest Matters: The Importance of Promoting Interest in Education
This research manuscript describes four interest-enhancing interventions: attention-getting settings, contexts evoking prior individual interest, problem-based learning, and enhancing utility value. It includes the science behind the interventions and policies that put student interest at front of the class.
Authors: Judith Harackiewicz, Jessi Smith, and Stacy Priniski
Publication Date: October 2016
Publisher: Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences

Neuroscience and Learning: Implications for Teaching Practice
The authors considered recent studies in the neuroscience of learning and memory, with particular emphasis on working and semantic memory, and suggest that neuroscience research into self-referential networks may improve understanding of the learning process. They propose advances in understanding the neural basis for metacognition may encourage the development of new perspectives that may help to motivate students to learn about their own learning processes
Authors: Richard Guy and Bruce Byrne
Publication Date: August 2013
Publisher: Journal of Experimental Neuroscience

Right to Supportive Learning Environments and High-Quality Resources
This research brief discusses every child’s right to literacy-rich learning environments that provide high-quality, open educational resources such as types of books, texts, and digital resources for all to use, manipulate, and learn from.
Publication Date: 2019
Publisher: International Literacy Association

Steps of Interactive Modeling
This article describes how interactive modeling incorporates key elements of effective teaching: modeling the skill or procedure, engaging students in active learning, and immediately assessing their understanding.
Publication Date: 2017
Publisher: Center for Responsive Schools

Student Engagement: Evidence-Based Strategies to Boost Academic and Social-Emotional Results
This guide creates a shared understanding of the many ways that engagement can profoundly influence a student’s relationship with school and some of the obstacles to becoming and staying engaged. It offers six research-based strategies related to student engagement and provides one or two tactics for each.
Authors: Cheryl Abla and Brittney R. Fraumeni
Publication Date: 2019
Publisher: McRel International

Study Skills Strategies (Part 1): Foundations for Effectively Teaching Study Skills
This module examines the importance of effective study skills strategies and includes information on why some students struggle with those skills and why it's critical for teachers to explicitly teach such strategies.
Publication Date: 2022
Publisher: IRIS Center Vanderbilt University

Study Skills Strategies (Part 2): Strategies that Improve Students’ Academic Performance
This companion to the Study Skills (Part 1) module reiterates the importance of teachers providing explicit instruction on the use of study skills strategies and overviews several effective strategies: graphic organizers, note-taking, mnemonics, organizing materials, time management, comprehension strategies, and self-regulation strategies.
Publication Date: 2022
Publisher: IRIS Center Vanderbilt University

Teacher Digital Learning Guide
This guide provides key considerations, guiding strategies, resources, and reflection questions to help guide your digital learning in a way that will be specific to your unique situation and the unique needs of your students.
Publication Date: January 2021
Publisher: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology

Teachers Know Best: Making Data Work for Teachers and Students
This study explores what teachers believe about data-driven instruction and the tools that support it, how teachers use data to tailor instruction, key challenges teachers identify with the tools that support data-driven instruction, and what teachers need to make data work to drive instruction in the classroom.
Publication Date: June 2015
Publisher: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Teaching as Brain Changing: Exploring Connections between Neuroscience and Innovative Teaching
This paper explores how one might conceptualize learning as a biological process in the context of a common teaching technique called the think–pair–share. It gives an overview of what is known from biological research about the neurobiological basis of learning and explores how various teaching techniques might harness known neurological mechanisms to promote the creation and retrieval of long-term memories.
Authors: Melinda Owens and Kimberly Tanner
Publication Date: Summer 2017
Publisher: CBE Life Sciences Education

Teaching Content-Area Literacy and Disciplinary Literacy
Many students struggle to master basic literacy skills, and many teachers in discipline-specific courses lack the knowledge and expertise to help students interpret the complex texts associated with each distinct discipline. This article focuses on two types of literacy that are crucial to helping students become college and career ready: content-area literacy and disciplinary literacy.
Authors: Ramona Chauvin and Kathleen Theodore
Publication Date: Spring 2015
Publisher: Southwest Education Development Laboratory, American Institutes for Research

Teaching Newcomer English Learners: Four Powerful Vocabulary Practices
Newcomer English learner students must navigate new social structures, school systems, and cultural dynamics—while learning new content in English. This video illustrates four proven ways teachers can help newcomer English learner students develop the academic vocabulary they need to succeed in school and beyond.
Publication Date: May 2019
Publisher: Institute of Education Sciences

The Five Dimensions of Differentiation
This article focuses on differentiation and the ways that teachers can meet the academic needs of all their students. It includes challenges and solutions about how differentiation can be implemented with a variety of strategies that can be used to differentiate, challenge, and engage all students.
Authors: Sally M. Reis and Joseph S. Renzulli
Publication Date: December 2018
Publisher: International Journal for Talent Development and Creativity

The UDL Guidelines
The UDL Guidelines are a tool used in the implementation of Universal Design for Learning. These guidelines offer a set of concrete suggestions that can be applied to any discipline or domain to ensure that all learners can access and participate in meaningful, challenging learning opportunities.
Publication Date: 2018
Publisher: CAST

Use Strategies to Promote Active Student Engagement
This video defines and provides background on a high-leverage practice for students with disabilities and highlights three essential components, demonstrating these components through video clips from real classrooms. The three key components are the importance of building positive teacher–student relationships, using a variety of strategies for ensuring student engagement during lessons, and actively monitoring for engagement while providing ongoing feedback.
Authors: Michael Kennedy, Katherine Peeples, John Romig, Hannah Mathews, and Wendy Rodgers
Publication Date: 2018
Publisher: Council for Exceptional Children

Using Universal Design for Learning to Design Standards-Based Lessons
This article presents a process that teachers can use as they develop standards-based lesson plans. By applying UDL during the lesson planning process, teachers can identify clear goals and develop flexible methods, assessments, and materials that address the needs and preferences of varied learners. General educators and special educators can use this process to develop lesson plans that address learners with and without disabilities.
Authors: Kavita Rao and Grace Meo
Publication Date: November 2016
Publisher: SAGE Journals

Video Examples of the Prioritized Educator Competencies
These video resources show educator competencies in action. These competencies have the most leverage in transforming classroom practices to be personalized, and student-centered. Footage includes teachers demonstrating key techniques and strategies, experts and peers discussing practice, students reflecting on their experiences.
Publication Date: April 2021
Publisher: KnowledgeWorks Foundation