Challenges to the Use of Co-teaching by Teachers
This study surveyed teachers working to find their perceptions of barriers that may hinder the use of co-teaching. Results indicated teachers lack the necessary skills required for implementing co-teaching, and co-teaching may require a lot of resources for its successful implementation. Limitations and recommendations for future research are addressed.
Author: Jonathan Chitiyo
Publication Date: 2017
Publisher: International Journal of Whole Schooling
Co-Teaching as a Special Education Service: Is Classroom Collaboration a Sustainable Practice?
In this article, the defining characteristics of collaboration and co-teaching are outlined, and examples of dilemmas related to the collaborative dimension of co-teaching are presented. It concludes the elements that contribute to strong collaborative classroom partnerships are attainable if carefully integrated into a school’s culture, and co-teaching is sustainable as a collaborative endeavor if its many dimensions are understood and addressed.
Authors: Marilyn Friend and Tammy Barron
Publication Date: October 2016
Publisher: Educational Practice & Reform
High-Leverage Practices in Special Education Collaboration: Research Syntheses
This high leverage practice describes a clear set of principles that define effective partnerships have emerged from research which emphasize creating trusting partnerships through communication, professional competence, respect, commitment, and advocacy.
Publication Date: October 2020
Publisher: CEEDAR Center
How Family, School, and Community Engagement Can Improve Student Achievement and Influence School Reform
This literature review examines how family and community partnerships can promote school improvement efforts. Key components of promising family-school partnerships that support school and district level reform are identified.
Authors: Lacy Wood and Emily Bauman
Publication Date: February 2017
Publisher: American Institutes for Research
It’s About Time: Organizing Schools for Teacher Collaboration and Learning
This case study provides a detailed account of how time can be organized and used within budget and schedule constraints so that schools that organize time more traditionally may learn from these innovative practices. It examines how these uses of time relate to a range of educational outcomes from engaging students in authentic learning experiences and developing more successful curricula to supporting teacher retention and improvement.
Author: Soung Bae
Publication Date: 2017
Publisher: Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education
Mentoring New Teachers
This article addresses effective mentoring techniques that support individuals and lead to better systems that result in impactful mentoring, happier teachers, effective instruction, and, most important, students who learn more in their classrooms each day.
Publication Date: January 2018
Publisher: Educator Effectiveness
Raising Special Kids Help and Hope for Families
Raising Special Kids exists to improve the lives of children with the full range of disabilities, from birth to age 26, by providing support, training, information, and individual assistance so families can become effective advocates for their children.
Publication Date: 2022
Publisher: Raising Special Kids
Strong Teams, Strong Schools
This article discusses how effective teams strengthen leadership, improve teaching and learning, nurture relationships, increase job satisfaction, and provide a means for mentoring and supporting new teachers and administrators.
Author: Dennis Sparks
Publication Date: April 2013
Publisher: Learning Forward
Teacher Collaboration In Perspective: A Discussion Guide for Teachers and Principals
This discussion guide helps teachers and principals decide whether and how to collaborate and how to do so effectively. Teachers and principals can make decisions about how to work more collaboratively and at what scale to collaborate.
Publication Date: 2017
Publishers: Spencer Foundation and Public Agenda
Teacher Collaboration In Perspective: A Guide to Research
This guide to research provides a nonpartisan, nonideological and easily digestible summary of key research on teacher collaboration, including studies that are typically available only to academics.
Authors: David Schleifer, Chloe Rinehart and Tess Yanisch
Publication Date: 2017
Publishers: Spencer Foundation and Public Agenda
The Prevalence of Collaboration Among American Teachers National Findings from the American Teacher Panel
This report explores the prevalence of teacher collaboration in schools across the United States and assesses the extent to which teacher collaboration varies in schools with different levels of students in poverty. Analysis focuses on teachers' reports of prevalence of opportunities, frequency of activities, and usefulness of experiences.
Authors: William R. Johnston and Tiffany Berglund
Publication Date: 2018
Publisher: RAND Corporation
When Special and General Educators Collaborate, Everybody Wins
This article describes collaboration of general education teachers and special education teachers and offers a specific list that is imperative to that collaboration: trust, vision, commitment to staff development, common language, routines, learning targets, remediation, technology, and family partnerships.
Author: Barb Casey
Publication Date: May 2019
Publisher: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development