
Beyond Cognition: Reading Motivation and Reading Comprehension
This is a review of the research on children’s reading motivation and its relation to their reading comprehension. It concludes there is a strong need for researchers to build on this work and develop and study in different age groups of children effective classroom-based reading motivation instructional programs for a variety of narrative and informational materials.
Authors: Allan Wigfield, Jessica Gladstone, and Lara Turci
Publication Date: May 2016
Publisher: Child Development Perspectives

Case Studies of Schools Implementing Early Elementary Strategies
To explore how educators use these two strategies, aligning instruction from preschool through grade 3 and differentiated instruction, this study conducted a systematic literature review followed by case studies of five programs that used one or both strategies.
Authors: Karen Manship, Jonathan Farber, Claire Smith, and Katie Drummond
Publication Date: December 2016
Publisher: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development, Policy and Program Studies Service

Children Experiencing Reading Difficulties: What We Know and What We Can Do
This brief shares what is known from decades of research that provides more in-depth understanding of the complexities of reading difficulties and to help families, teachers, and policymakers make sound decisions.
Publication Date: 2019
Publisher: International Literacy Association

Common Types of Reading Problems and How to Help Children Who Have Them
This article explains how recognizing three common patterns of reading difficulties can provide a valuable starting point for planning reading instruction and interventions.
Author: Louise Spear-Swerling
Publication Date: 2015
Publisher: The Reading Teacher

Comprehension Strategies
This webpage provides several videos and supplemental materials. See an overview of each strategy, expert interviews about comprehension strategies, and how the strategies work in a classroom.
Publisher: WestEd

Connecting Word Meanings Through Semantic Mapping
This article explains several semantic maps or graphic organizers to help students, especially struggling students and those with disabilities, to identify, understand, and recall the meaning of words they read in the text.
Authors: Judy Zorfass and Tracy Gray
Publication Date: 2014
Publisher: PowerUp WHAT WORKS at the American Institutes for Research

Content Area and Disciplinary Literacy Strategies and Frameworks
This document defines the terms content area literacy and disciplinary literacy and their distinct approaches, what they mean, and how they are best combined in classroom literacy instruction.
Publication Date: 2017
Publisher: International Literacy Association

Context Clues - Teach with Tech
The meaning of a word can often be gleaned from clues in the surrounding context. What comes before and after a new word can reveal its meaning, structure, and use. This strategy guide provides strategies to help students meet standards related to vocabulary acquisition and word use. Supporting materials include a 4th grade sample lesson plan and videos.
Publication Date: 2009-2015
Publisher: PowerUp WHAT WORKS at the American Institutes for Research

CSR: A Reading Comprehension Strategy
This module outlines Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR), a strategy for helping students to improve their reading comprehension skills. Students work together in small groups to apply comprehension strategies as they read text from a content area, such as social studies or science.
Publication Date: 2022
Publisher: IRIS Center, Vanderbilt University

Deeper Learning for Students with Disabilities
This report reviews previous efforts to promote better educational outcomes for students with disabilities. We also describe research-based instructional strategies that can support them and other struggling learners and the kinds of policies and local resources needed to ensure that all young people have meaningful opportunities to learn deeply and become truly prepared to succeed in college, careers, and civic life.
Authors: Sharon Vaughn, Louis Danielson, Rebecca Zumeta, and Lynn Holdheide
Publication Date: August 2015
Publisher: Students at the Center and Jobs for the Future

Differentiated Instruction: Maximizing the Learning of All Students
This module discusses the importance of differentiating three aspects of instruction: content, process or instructional methods, and product or assessment. It explores the student traits of readiness level, interest, and learning preferences that influence learning.
Publication Date: 2022
Publisher: IRIS Center Vanderbilt University

Digital Frayer Model: Supporting Vocabulary Acquisition With Technology and UDL
This article explores how an explicitly taught instructional practice that integrates an evidence-based practice with technology impacts vocabulary acquisition for students with learning disabilities. It describes an assistive digital spin on the Frayer model and examines how co-teachers can collaboratively use UDL to reduce barriers and address learner variability in a classroom setting.
Authors: Robin Dazzeo and Kavita Rao
Publication Date: June 2020
Publisher: TEACHING Exceptional Children

Diving In: Help Students Get to the Bottom of Close Reading and Complex Texts
This article examines selecting texts, how students take note of their thinking, how text-dependent questions are used to foster critical thinking, and how readers are inspired.
Authors: Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey
Publication Date: January/February 2015
Publisher: National Association of Elementary School Principals

Do You See What I Mean? Visual Literacy Supports for Students with Disabilities
Many learners with disabilities are visual learners and are best able to understand and remember content when they can see it represented in some way; in other words, they need to “see what we mean.” This article describes picture books, graphic notes, and story kits, three visual supports helpful for teaching and supporting literacy development.
Author: Paula Kluth
Publication Date: 2017
Publisher: Reading Rockets

Does Disciplinary Literacy Have a Place in Elementary School?
This commentary discusses what disciplinary literacy is and why it is important. It then discusses the ways in which elementary school teachers can infuse aspects of disciplinary literacy into elementary instruction.
Authors: Cynthia and Timothy Shanahan
Publication Date: 2014
Publisher: The Reading Teacher

Enhancing Science Vocabulary Knowledge of Students With Learning Disabilities Using Explicit Instruction and Multimedia
This study investigated the use of a multimedia tool to determine its efficacy in supporting science vocabulary growth among middle-school students with high-incidence disabilities such as learning disabilities. The results demonstrated positive science assessment outcomes.
Authors: Victoria VanUitert, Michael Kennedy, John Elwood Romig, and Lindsay M. Carlisle
Publication Date: 2020
Publisher: Learning Disabilities: A Contemporary Journal

Evidence-Based Practices for Vocabulary Instruction
Vocabulary acquisition is a critical component of learning as students advance through school and engage with a range of subject-specific concepts and ideas. Content area teachers can support students’ development in vocabulary by using a cohesive set of instructional practices, such as Strategies for Reading Information and Vocabulary Effectively (STRIVE) explained in this brief.
Publication Date: 2020
Publisher: Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk and University of Texas at Austin

Examining the Simple View of Reading With Elementary School Children: Still Simple After All These Years
The simple view of reading proposes that performance in reading comprehension is the result of decoding and linguistic comprehension, and that each component is necessary but not sufficient for reading comprehension. In this study, the joint and unique predictive influences of decoding and linguistic comprehension for reading comprehension were examined with a group of 757 children in Grades 3 through 5.
Authors: Christopher Lonigan, Stephen Burgess, and Christopher Schatschneider
Publication Date: 2018
Publisher: Remedial and Special Education

Foundational Skills to Support Reading for Understanding in Kindergarten Through 3rd Grade
This practice guide provides four recommendations for teaching foundational reading skills to students in kindergarten through 3rd grade. Each recommendation includes implementation steps and solutions for common obstacles. The recommendations also summarize and rate supporting evidence.
Authors: Barbara Foorman, Nicholas Beyler, Kelley Borradaile, Michael Coyne, Carolyn Denton, Joseph Dimino, Joshua Furgeson, Lynda Hayes, Juliette Henke, Laura Justice, Betsy Keating, Warnick Lewis, Samina Sattar, Andrei Streke, Richard Wagner, and Sarah Wissel
Publication Date: Revised 2019
Publisher: Institute of Education Sciences

Graphic Organizers: Guiding Principles and Effective Practices
Research and best practices have shown that, for graphic organizers to be effective instructional tools, several factors must be addressed. This packet will present strategies and approaches for incorporating these elements, along with outlining the primary categories and uses for graphic organizers.
Publication Date: 2015
Publisher: William and Mary Training and Technical Assistance Center

How the Phonology of Speech Is Foundational for Instant Word Recognition
This article discusses letter-sound proficiency and phonemic proficiency are both needed for skilled word-level reading. These two skills are typically found with developing readers, but not in struggling readers. The author concludes that teachers must upgrade recommendations from letter-sound knowledge and phonemic awareness to letter-sound proficiency and phonemic proficiency.
Author: David Kilpatrick
Publication Date: Summer 2020
Publisher: Perspectives on Language and Literacy

How Reading Motivation and Engagement Enable Reading Achievement: Policy Implications
This article discusses how reading motivation and engagement research can help teachers boost reading achievement. To promote motivation in the classroom, they can start with the elements of SMILE: Sharing; Me; Importance; Liking; and Engagement.
Authors: Ana Taboada Barber and Susan Lutz Klauda
Publication Date: 2019
Publisher: SAGE Publishing

How to Provide Meaningful Feedback: Teacher’s Guide
No matter how a teacher provides feedback—verbally or visually, to a group or one on one, publicly or subtly—the goal is the same: to improve students’ academic and behavioral outcomes. This brief describes the components and types of effective teacher feedback and provides examples, nonexamples, and tips that teachers can use in the classroom.
Authors: Blair Payne and Elizabeth Swanson
Publication Date: 2021
Publisher: Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk

Implementing Multi-Tiered Systems of Support with Dr. Brittney Bills
Dr. Brittney Bills explains what MTSS is and how it centers on prevention rather than intervention. She talks about the intersection of universal screening data and MTSS and provides advice on evidence-based strategies and techniques to make a positive impact in the classroom. Using examples from her own district, Dr. Bills discusses avoiding burnout, learning to use data, and the process of ongoing improvement.
Speaker: Brittney Bills
Publication Date: April 2022
Publisher: Science of Reading: The Podcast

Improve Reading with Complex Texts
This article groups the essential features of close reading into four major categories: short, complex texts; rich discussions based on worthy questions; revisiting and annotating the text; and being inspired by the text. Educators should consider these the look-fors that deepen student interactions with text.
Authors: Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey
Publication Date: February 2015
Publisher: Phi Delta Kappa International

Improving Adolescent Literacy: Effective Classroom and Intervention Practices
This practice guide presents specific and coherent evidence-based recommendations that educators can use to improve literacy levels among adolescents in upper elementary, middle, and high schools.
Authors: Michael L. Kamil, Geoffrey Borman, Janice Dole, Cathleen Kral, Terry Salinger, and Joe Torgesen
Publication Date: 2008
Publisher: Institute of Education Sciences

Interest Matters: The Importance of Promoting Interest in Education
This research manuscript describes four interest-enhancing interventions: attention-getting settings, contexts evoking prior individual interest, problem-based learning, and enhancing utility value. It includes the science behind the interventions and policies that put student interest at front of the class.
Authors: Harackiewicz, Smith, and Priniski
Publication Date: October 2016
Publisher: Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences

Meeting the Challenges of Early Literacy Phonics Instruction
This brief discusses the need for explicit and systematic phonics instruction that directly addresses skills with assessment to ensure key characteristics are in place, including blending, dictation, word awareness, and high-frequency words
Publication Date: 2019
Publisher: International Literacy Association

Morphological Analysis Instruction in the Elementary Grades: Which Morphemes to Teach and How to Teach Them
This article addresses which specific affixes to teach in the upper elementary grades and describes a comprehensive approach for teaching affixes. It discusses several key principles from research on morphological analysis that guided our development of a multidimensional approach to affix instruction. A set of instructional activities are included to teach the meanings of affixes and the strategic use of affix knowledge to infer word meanings.
Authors: Patrick Manyak, James Baumann, and Ann-Margaret Manyak
Publication Date: November/December 2018
Publisher: The Reading Teacher

Morphological Awareness: One Piece of the Literacy Pie
Identifying morphemes is a skill that helps students problem-solve words they do not know how to read and spell. This is especially important when students are reading textbooks with academic language so that they can gain the knowledge they need in the subject areas they study.
Publication Date: 2020
Publisher: International Dyslexia Association

Narrowing the Third-Grade Reading Gap Embracing the Science of Reading
This research brief for educators embraces the science of reading from the EAB District Leadership Forum. This is  for educators who want to learn more and implement classroom instruction that is aligned to the science of reading.
Publication Date: 2019
Publisher: EAB

Neuroscience and Early Literacy
Dr. Bruce McCandliss discusses combining neuroscience with education by answering: How does neuroscience help us understand the changes going on in the brain of a child learning to read? and Why do some children struggle so profoundly? He shares his research into focusing the student’s attention on letters and sounds versus on the word as a whole.
Speaker: Bruce McCandiss
Publication Date: March 2020
Publisher: Science of Reading: The Podcast

On the Importance of Listening Comprehension
This paper reviews evidence showing that listening comprehension becomes the dominating influence on reading comprehension starting even in the elementary grades. It discusses key language influences on listening comprehension for consideration during assessment and treatment of reading disabilities.
Authors: Tiffany P. Hogan, Suzanne M. Adlof, and Crystle N. Alonzo
Publication Date: May 2014
Publisher: International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology

Preschool Through Third Grade Alignment and Differentiated Instruction: A Literature Review
This literature review provides a review of policies, programs, and practices that have the potential to help students sustain the positive effects of preschool as they progress from kindergarten through grade 3.
Authors: Katie Drummond, Aleksandra Holod, Marie Perrot, Antonia Wang, Michèle Muñoz-Miller, Mackson Ncube, and Herb Turner
Publication Date: August 2016
Publisher: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development, Policy, and Program Studies Service

Providing Reading Interventions for Students in Grades 4–9
This practice guide offers four recommendations that focus on practices to improve students’ ability to read words accurately and automatically and on practices for helping students to understand the text they read. Each of the recommendations helps improve reading and comprehension.
Authors: Sharon Vaughn, Russell Gersten, Joseph Dimino, Mary Jo Taylor, Rebecca Newman-Gonchar, Sarah Krowka, Michael Kieffer, Margaret McKeown, Deborah Reed, Michele Sanchez, Kimberly St. Martin, Jade Wexler, Seth Morgan, Armando Yañez, and Madhavi Jayanthi
Publication Date: March 2022
Publisher: Institute of Education Sciences

Reciprocal Teaching: Seeing is Believing
This article explains reciprocal teaching as engaging students in reading and has been shown to increase comprehension through four basic components: predicting, clarifying, questioning, and summarizing. It helps reduce the cognitive load on students with disabilities by explicitly teaching the critical aspects of comprehending text. Reciprocal teaching supports all students to be independent and reflective readers with higher-level comprehension skills.
Authors: Joan Baker and Lisa Emerson
Publication Date: May/June 2014
Publisher: William and Mary School of Education

Rethinking How to Promote Reading Comprehension
This article discusses how reading comprehension is not a skill someone learns and can then apply in different reading contexts. It is one of the most complex activities that we engage in on a regular basis, and our ability to comprehend is dependent upon a wide range of knowledge and skills. It explores the idea that comprehension cannot be reduced to a single notion because it is not a single ability.
Author: Hugh Catts
Publication Date: Winter 2021-22
Publisher: American Federation of Teachers

Right to Supportive Learning Environments and High-Quality Resources
This research brief discusses every child’s right to literacy-rich learning environments that provide high-quality, open educational resources such as types of books, texts, and digital resources for all to use, manipulate, and learn from.
Publication Date: 2019
Publisher: International Literacy Association

Scaffolding Comprehension Strategies Using Graphic Organizers
In this lesson collaborative strategic reading is initially presented to students through modeling and whole-class instruction. To facilitate comprehension during and after reading, students apply four reading strategies: preview, click and clunk, get the gist, and wrap-up. Graphic organizers are used for scaffolding of these strategies while students work together in cooperative groups.
Author: Susan Ruckdeschel
Publisher: International Literacy Association

Scarborough’s Reading Rope: A Groundbreaking Infographic
This article explains the Reading Rope consists of lower and upper strands. The word-recognition strands (phonological awareness, decoding, and sight recognition of familiar words) work together as the reader becomes accurate, fluent, and increasingly automatic with repetition and practice. Concurrently, the language-comprehension strands (background knowledge, vocabulary, language structures, verbal reasoning, and literacy knowledge) reinforce one another and then weave together with the word-recognition strands to produce a skilled reader.
Publication Date: 2018
Publisher: International Dyslexia Association

Self-Questioning - Teach with Tech
Using a self-questioning strategy can encourage struggling learners to monitor their understanding of the text. This strategy guide provides strategies to help students utilize critical features of the self-questioning approach. Supporting materials include a 4th grade sample lesson plan and videos.
Publication Date: 2015
Publisher: PowerUp WHAT WORKS at the American Institutes for Research

Steps of Interactive Modeling
This article describes how interactive modeling incorporates key elements of effective teaching: modeling the skill or procedure, engaging students in active learning, and immediately assessing their understanding.
Publication Date: 2017
Publisher: Center for Responsive Schools

Summarizing - Teach with Tech
This guide provides strategies for helping readers understand the purpose of summaries and how to identify the main ideas and key details in a text. Supporting materials include 2nd and 6th grade sample lesson plans and videos.
Publication Date: 2015
Publisher: PowerUp WHAT WORKS at the American Institutes for Research

Summer '22 Rewind: Research, Comprehension, and Content-Rich Literacy Instruction: Sonia Cabell
Sonia Cabell shares findings from her research trials on content-rich literacy curricula and discusses whether activating students’ background knowledge alongside explicit phonics instruction is more effective than the traditional approaches. She describes what constitutes “compelling evidence” in the Science of Reading and explains why students need to interact with both written and spoken language while learning to read.
Speaker: Sonia Cabell
Publication Date: July 2022
Publisher: Science of Reading: The Podcast

Summer '22 Rewind: The Symbiotic Relationship Between Literacy and Science with Jacquey Barber
Jacquey Barber discusses her research on the symbiotic relationship between literacy and science and what educators should be looking for in high-quality, literacy-rich science curricula. She goes into strategies for engaging students, including the do, talk, read, write model, then ends the episode by highlighting the many ways science supports reading.
Speaker: Jacquey Barber
Publication Date: July 2022
Publisher: Science of Reading: The Podcast

“Teach Reading? But I’m not a Reading Teacher!”
This article provides a structure that any teacher, regardless of content area and training in reading instruction, can use to help students hone the literacy skills necessary to explore, develop, and expand content area knowledge.
Authors: Beth Hurst and Cathy J. Pearman
Publication Date: 2013
Publisher: Missouri State University

Teacher Read-Aloud That Models Reading for Deep Understanding
This strategy guide offers the research basis, procedures, example lesson plans, and related resources for teachers to demonstrate to their students how to search for meaning and use strategies for understanding.
Author: Jan Miller Burkins
Publisher: International Literacy Association

Teaching Vocabulary Explicitly
This document discusses the meaning of vocabulary and why it is important to teach. It explains how to teach individual words explicitly and how to teach word-learning strategies. Step-by-step examples are provided to help teach the strategies and to help students to use the strategies independently.
Authors: Susan Hanson and Jennifer Padua
Publication Date: 2014
Publisher: Pacific Resources for Education and Learning

Text Structure Strategies for Improving Expository Reading Comprehension
This article presents practical, evidence-based strategies for teaching students how to use text structure to improve their expository reading comprehension. Detailed procedures and examples are provided.
Authors: Julia Roehling, Michael Hebert, J. Ron Nelson, Janet Bohaty
Publication Date: July/August 2017
Publisher: International Literacy Association

The Science of Reading Progresses: Communicating Advances Beyond the Simple View of Reading
This article presents a theory called the active view of reading that is an expansion of the simple view and can be used to convey these important advances to current and future educators. It discusses the need to lift updated theories and models to guide practitioners’ work in supporting students’ reading development in classrooms and interventions.
Authors: Nell Duke and Kelly Cartwright
Publication Date: March 2021
Publisher: Reading Research Quarterly

The Simple View of Reading
This article explains the Simple View of Reading, a formula demonstrating the widely accepted view that reading has two basic components: word recognition and language comprehension. Examples help understanding of the formula that will help educators with assessing reading weaknesses and providing appropriate instruction.
Authors: Linda Farrell, Michael Hunter, Marcia Davidson, and Tina Osenga
Publication Date: 2019
Publisher: Reading Rockets

The Simple View of Reading: Advancements and False Impressions
This article explains SVR has helped conceptualize the processes involved in comprehension, how these might contribute to individual differences, and ways to classify and identify children with reading disabilities. The author interjects that comprehension is complex and needs specific interventions.
Author: Hugh Catts
Publication Date: 2018
Publisher: Remedial and Special Education

The UDL Guidelines
The UDL Guidelines are a tool used in the implementation of Universal Design for Learning. These guidelines offer a set of concrete suggestions that can be applied to any discipline or domain to ensure that all learners can access and participate in meaningful, challenging learning opportunities.
Publication Date: 2018
Publisher: CAST

Traveling Terrain: Comprehending Nonfiction Text on the Web
Strategic instruction and explicit teaching of targeted comprehension strategies can allow students to merge skills into their current competencies, thus improving their overall reading ability. This lesson identifies three skills of identifying text features of nonfiction text in a Web format, locating specific information, and generalizing information to be taught in strategic lessons that build upon each other and allow for scaffolding of skills when necessary.
Author: Sheila Seitz
Publisher: International Literacy Association

Using Morphological Strategies to Help Adolescents Decode, Spell, and Comprehend Big Words in Science
This article describes a morphological instruction approach for helping students navigate big words in science. Reasons why big words in science are particularly challenging for many students are described, and guidelines for selecting and prioritizing high-utility science morphemes for targeted instruction with adolescent readers are provided.
Authors: Jennifer L. Zoski, Kristin Nellenbach, and Karen A. Erickson
Publication Date: 2018
Publisher: Communication Disorders Quarterly

Using Universal Design for Learning to Design Standards-Based Lessons
This article presents a process that teachers can use as they develop standards-based lesson plans. By applying UDL during the lesson planning process, teachers can identify clear goals and develop flexible methods, assessments, and materials that address the needs and preferences of varied learners. General educators and special educators can use this process to develop lesson plans that address learners with and without disabilities.
Authors: Kavita Rao and Grace Meo
Publication Date: November 2016
Publisher: SAGE Journals

Vocabulary Instruction: A Critical Analysis of Theories, Research, and Practice
In this content analysis, articles published in The Reading Teacher and Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy between 2007 and 2017 were dissected to identify and code embedded word-learning strategies, grade levels addressed, target student populations, and desired outcomes.
Authors: Stephanie Moody, Xueyan Hu, Li-Jen Kuo, Mohammed Jouhar, Zhihong Xu, and Sungyoon Lee
Publication Date: October 2018
Publisher: Education Sciences

Video Examples of the Prioritized Educator Competencies
These video resources show educator competencies in action. These competencies have the most leverage in transforming classroom practices to be personalized, and student-centered. Footage includes teachers demonstrating key techniques and strategies, experts and peers discussing practice, students reflecting on their experiences.
Publication Date: April 2021
Publisher: KnowledgeWorks Foundation

Word Analysis - Teach With Tech
Being able to analyze words is not only a critical foundational reading skill, it also is essential for vocabulary development. This strategy guide provides strategies to help students meet standards related to vocabulary acquisition and word use. Supporting materials include a 5th grade sample lesson plan and videos.
Publication Date: 2014
Publisher: PowerUp WHAT WORKS at the American Institutes for Research