Formative Assessment

4 Formative Assessment Practices that Make a Difference in Classrooms
Research shows that keeping four practices at the core of instruction makes a big difference. This article discusses clarifying learning, eliciting evidence, providing feedback, and activating learners. It includes formative assessment strategies and techniques with implementation tools and tips
Publication Date: March 2016
Publisher: Northwest Evaluation Association

Communicating Learning Goals and Success Criteria with Students
This brief explains including students as part of the Learning Goals and Success Criteria assessment process through understanding the indicators and using them to monitor their own learning.
Author: Nancy Gerzon
Publication Date: October 2020
Publisher: WestEd

Formative Assessment - Elementary School
These elementary school videos focus on the application of the entire range of strategies for students in elementary classroom settings. The videos represent a cross section of student abilities, instructional focus, and group sizes.
Publisher: University of Louisville

Formative Assessment - Group Instruction
These group instruction videos focus on the application of the entire range of strategies for multiple students in a small group or class-wide context. The videos represent a cross section of instructional focus, student ages, and student abilities.
Publisher: University of Louisville

Formative Assessment and Elementary School Student Academic Achievement: A Review of the Evidence
This comprehensive and systematic review identifies 22 rigorous studies of the effectiveness of formative assessment interventions among elementary students. Results of the study indicate that, overall, formative assessment has a positive effect on student achievement.
Authors: Mary Klute, Helen Apthorp, Jason Harlacher, and Marianne Reale
Publication Date: February 2017
Publisher: Institute of Education Sciences and Regional Educational Laboratory Central

Formative Assessment the Student Role
This document provides information specific to the active role of students in the formative assessment process. A table displays the teacher role and the corresponding student role for each of the 10 dimensions of formative assessment.
Publication Date: January 2018
Publisher: WestEd

The Impact of Formative Assessment and Learning Intentions on Student Achievement
This brief begins with an analysis of current research linking formative assessment to academic performance and then moves into a discussion of learning objectives’ impact on student outcomes.
Publication Date: August 2014
Publisher: Hanover Research

The Power of Evidence Use in Formative Assessment
This brief discusses how the process of eliciting, interpreting, and responding to evidence of student learning creates the conditions for teachers and students to shift their conception of learning itself to be one that arises out of and promotes collective knowledge.
Authors: Barbara Jones and Nancy Gerzon
Publication Date: October 2020
Publisher: WestEd

The Student Role in Advanced Formative Assessment Practice: Self-Assessment, Peer Feedback, and Discourse
This paper identifies three critical components of the student role in advanced formative assessment practice and discusses how implementing self-assessment, peer feedback, and discourse help students gain confidence to be able to make decisions about the status of their own learning, to extend that learning, and to envision next steps.
Authors: Nancy Gerzon and Barbara Jones
Publication Date: October 2020
Publisher: WestEd

Using the Formative Assessment Rubrics, Reflection and Observation Tools to Support Professional Reflection on Practice (Revised)
This document provides guidelines for use in observations and reflections on formative assessment practices. Sections address background information on formative assessment, value of informal self-reflection or peer observations as a way to improve formative assessment practice, and a set of rubrics for 10 dimensions of formative assessment practice.
Author: Caroline Wylie and Christine Lyon
Publication Date: February 2016
Publisher: Council of Chief State School Officers