7 Ways to Respond to Students with Empathy
Responding to students with empathy can help you better understand their behavior and find strategies to support them. These seven tips can help you practice empathy in your classroom.
Publication Date: 2019
Publisher: Understood for All
Best Practices, Strategies, and Recommendations for Improving School Climate and Culture
This report reviews resources for interventions or approaches that may help to improve school climate and culture. Each resource includes a list of best practices, strategies, or recommendations.
Publication Date: March 2018
Publisher: Southeast Comprehensive Center at American Institutes for Research
Brief Intervention to Encourage Empathic Discipline Cuts Suspension Rates in Half among Adolescents
This article describes research studies in developing and testing an intervention to reduce suspensions by changing the attitudes of teachers who view discipline from a punitive mindset. The findings could mark a paradigm shift in society’s understanding of the origins of and remedies for discipline problems.
Authors: Jason Okonofuaa, David Pauneskua, and Gregory Waltona
Publication Date: May 2016
Publisher: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Distilling Check‑In/Check‑Out into Its Core Practice Elements Through an Expert Consensus Process
A panel of research experts and practice experts participated in a process that led to the identification and operational definition of 19 discreet practice elements of Check-In/Check-Out organized into five domains. Results discussed how well-defined practice elements can improve communication of implementation expectations for teachers.
Authors: Kevin Filter, Andrea Ford, Samuel Bullard, Clayton Cook, Courtney Sowle, LeAnne Johnson, Eric Kloos, and Danielle Dupuis
Publication Date: January 2022
Publisher: School Mental Health
Enhancing Effective Classroom Management in Schools: Structures for Changing Teacher Behavior
This article provides a brief rationale for evidence-based practices accompanied with recommended resources to identify current and future practices. It includes an overview of effective inservice educator professional development to ensure evidence-based practices are implemented with fidelity and recommended systemic strategies that schools, and school districts can adopt to support teacher learning.
Authors: Barbara Mitchell, Regina Hirn, and Timothy Lewis
Publication Date: 2017
Publisher: Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children
Is School-Wide Positive Behavior Support an Evidence-Based Practice?
This document lays out the current evidence assessing SWPBS and the considerations that may be relevant for state, district, and national decision-makers.
Authors: Robert H. Horner, George Sugai, and Timothy Lewis
Publication Date: April 2015
Publisher: OSEP Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
Supporting and Responding to Behavior: Evidence-Based Classroom Strategies for Teachers
This document summarizes evidence-based, positive, proactive, and responsive classroom behavior intervention and support strategies for teachers to help capitalize on instruction time and decrease disruptions.
Authors: Brandi Simonsen, Jennifer Freeman, Steve Goodman, Barbara Mitchell, Jessica Swain-Bradway, Brigid Flannery, George Sugai, Heather George, and Bob Putman
Publication Date: 2015
Publisher: Office of Special Education Programs
Using Office Discipline Referrals as a Behavioral Screener: Considerations From NCII and the Center on PBIS
Recommendations are given for using office discipline referral data as part of a gated screening process within clear schoolwide behavioral expectations, consistent and operationalized definitions for behavioral infractions, and systematic procedures for collecting and analyzing discipline data.
Publication Date: October 2020
Publisher: National Center on Intensive Intervention and The Center on Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports
Why Prioritize Behavior Support?
This brief describes why it is critical to continue to prioritize behavior support in addition to academic, social, and emotional supports. With effective behavior support implemented within a PBIS framework, rigorous research has demonstrated that students and educators experience positive outcomes.
Publication Date: March 2021
Publisher: Center on PBIS, University of Oregon