Traumatic Brain Injury

About Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
This article explains three types of injury to the brain. It includes a video about traumatic brain injury with children, causes, and prevention strategies.
Publication Date: November 2020
Publisher: National Institutes of Health

Arizona Department of Education AT Short Term Loan Library
Arizona Department of Education, Exceptional Student Services works in partnership with Northern Arizona University Institute for Human Development Arizona Technology Access Program to make available at no cost, a wide variety of assistive technology devices, equipment, software, and professional development materials to school personnel to improve access to assistive technology.
Publisher: Arizona Department of Education

Interventions for Attention Problems after Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury: What Is the Evidence?
This review describes the current literature specific to interventions, both pharmacologic- and behavioral-based, for attention problems in children after TBI. A discussion of the findings includes recommendations for current treatment based on the evidence and suggestions for future research. Authors: Barynia Backeljauw and Brad Kurowski
Publication Date: April 2014
Publisher: National Institutes of Health

Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Factsheet (for Schools)
This factsheet provides information on what teachers should know about students with traumatic brain injury and how to support their learning in the classroom.
Publication Date: November 2019
Publisher: KidsHealth

Traumatic Brain Injury
This article explains traumatic brain injury and identifies the signs, educational needs, emotional needs, and available help. Tips for parents and teachers are included.
Publication Date: July 2015
Publisher: Center for Parent Information and Resources

What Do We Learn from Studying Traumatic Brain Injury?
Researchers study TBI so they can find ways to help those with a brain injury to get better. This paper reviews different types of TBI studies.
Authors: Kristin Wilmoth and Michael McCrea
Publication Date: January 2020
Publisher: Frontiers for Young Minds