Arizona Department of Education AT Short Term Loan Library
Arizona Department of Education, Exceptional Student Services works in partnership with Northern Arizona University Institute for Human Development Arizona Technology Access Program to make available at no cost, a wide variety of assistive technology devices, equipment, software and professional development materials to school personnel in order to improve access to assistive technology.
Publisher: Arizona Department of Education
Early Literacy for Students with Multiple Disabilities or Deafblindness
This webcast discusses the challenges that parents and teachers of students with multiple disabilities and deafblindness face with regard to literacy. It offers early literacy activities that teachers can perform with students and different ways teachers can adapt books for their students.
Presenter: Deirdre Leech Publisher: Perkins Learning
Instructional Strategies for Students with Multiple Disabilities
No two students with multiple disabilities have the exact same profile, as the combination of disabilities, age of onset, level of educational intervention, and environmental factors will all have some affect. These strategies are therefore general and should be modified according to individual needs and circumstances.
Publisher: Paths to Literacy
Strategies for Assessing and Teaching Students with Visual and Multiple Disabilities
This webcast provides an overview of the learning needs of students in the sensorimotor phase of development. It takes us to the very early stages of development when children begin to explore and attend to objects and describes the challenges that children with visual impairments and multiple disabilities face.
Presenter: Millie Smith
Publisher: Perkins Learning
Strategies to Include Students with Severe/Multiple Disabilities within the General Education Classroom
Findings in the literature demonstrate that students with severe/multiple disabilities have access to a meaningful and appropriate education through IEP specified accommodations and modifications incorporated through a UDL environment. The practices and materials in this article can aid children with severe/multiple disabilities to be meaningfully included with their typically developing peers within the general education classroom.
Authors: Wendy Rogers and Nicole Johnson
Publication Date: 2018
Publisher: Physical Disabilities: Education and Related Services
Supporting Young Children With Multiple Disabilities: What Do We Know and What Do We Still Need To Learn?
This article explains that professionals and families working together must identify the individual supports each child needs to ensure that the young child with multiple disabilities is an active participant in all aspects of their lives and makes meaningful progress toward valued life outcomes.
Authors: Eva Horn and Jean Kang
Publication Date: February 2012
Publisher: National Institute of Health