
A Conversation on Growing Up with Dyslexia with 10th Grader Hadyn Fleming
Hadyn Fleming shares his story, discusses experiences that made a difference in his life, and candidly discloses what it really feels like to have dyslexia. He shares the way that dyslexia impacts all facets of education and, conversely, how becoming a confident reader gave him increased confidence in other areas of his life. Hadyn helps debunk dyslexia myths and talks about how an educator's belief in their students' potential is essential to student success.
Speaker: Hadyn Fleming
Publication Date: December 2021
Publisher: Science of Reading: The Podcast

Arizona Department of Education AT Short Term Loan Library
Arizona Department of Education, Exceptional Student Services works in partnership with Northern Arizona University Institute for Human Development Arizona Technology Access Program to make available at no cost, a wide variety of assistive technology devices, equipment, software, and professional development materials to school personnel to improve access to assistive technology.
Publisher: Arizona Department of Education

Dyslexia and the Brain
The role of the brain in developmental dyslexia has been studied in the context of brain anatomy, brain chemistry, and brain function—and in combination with interventions to improve reading and information about genetic influences. Together with results of behavioral studies, this information will help researchers to identify the causes of dyslexia, continue to explore early identification of dyslexia, and determine the best avenues for its treatment.
Publication Date: 2020
Publisher: International Dyslexia Association

Dyslexia Factsheet (for Schools)
This factsheet provides information on what teachers should know about students with dyslexia and how to support their learning in the classroom.
Publication Date: June 2018
Publisher: KidsHealth

Dyslexia Handbook: A Technical Assistance Document to Support Families and Teachers
This AZ-TAS document provides guidelines for teachers and parents to identify dyslexia. It includes a description of educational strategies to improve the academic performance of pupils with dyslexia and available resources.
Publication Date: March 2018
Publisher: Arizona Department of Education

Dyslexia in the Classroom: What Every Teacher Needs to Know
This toolkit provides classroom teachers with basic information about dyslexia and dispels some of the myths and misconception surrounding it. It is a resource that will increase capacity to ensure the success of learners in their classrooms.
Publication Date: 2017
Publisher: International Dyslexia Association

Gifted and Dyslexic: Identifying and Instructing the Twice Exceptional Student
This article explains twice exceptional or 2e as a term used to describe students who are both intellectually gifted (as determined by an accepted standardized assessment) and learning disabled, which includes students with dyslexia. It continues with how to identify and support these students.
Publication Date: 2020
Publisher: International Dyslexia Association

Learning Disabilities and Their Emotional Impact: Dr. Sheila Clonan
Dr. Sheila Clonan explores the mental and emotional effects of learning to read with dyslexia and how it impacts behavior and self-concept, providing two insightful analogies that illustrate what it feels like for students who aren’t given explicit instruction but are still expected to know how to read. She ends the episode with practical advice for educators and parents on how to support and encourage children.
Speaker: Sheila Clonan
Publication Date: August 2021
Publisher: Science of Reading: The Podcast

Understanding Dyslexia
This article helps educators and parents understand what dyslexia is and what the signs of dyslexia are. It provides information on when and how to get a diagnosis and how to support a child with dyslexia.
Author: Katherine Martinelli
Publisher: Child Mind Institute

What Factors Facilitate Resilience in Developmental Dyslexia? Examining Protective and Compensatory Mechanisms Across the Neurodevelopmental Trajectory
This article reviews findings describing genetic, cognitive, neurobiological, and environmental factors that facilitate reading development and propose a model of neural pathways to support successful reading development in at-risk children.
Authors: Xi Yu, Jennifer Zuk, and Nadine Gaab
Publication Date: December 2018
Publisher: National Institutes of Health