
A Day in the Life of a Teen with Dyscalculia
Meet Ava, a ninth grader with dyscalculia. She is a bright kid, but her struggles with math are often misunderstood by teachers and family members. To see how trouble with numbers can affect kids outside of math class, look at a typical day in Ava’s life.
Publisher: Understood

Arizona Department of Education AT Short Term Loan Library
Arizona Department of Education, Exceptional Student Services works in partnership with Northern Arizona University Institute for Human Development Arizona Technology Access Program to make available at no cost, a wide variety of assistive technology devices, equipment, software, and professional development materials to school personnel to improve access to assistive technology.
Publisher: Arizona Department of Education

Dyscalculia: An Overview
This article provides characteristics of dyscalculia, how to address the disability, and some intervention options for students struggling with dyscalculia.
Author: Eve Kessler
Publisher: Smart Kids with Learning Disabilities

Dyscalculia Factsheet (for Schools)
This factsheet provides information on what teachers should know about students with dyscalculia and how to support their learning in the classroom.
Publication Date: June 2018
Publisher: KidsHealth

How to Spot Dyscalculia
This article explains dyscalculia, what to look for, how it is diagnosed, and how it can impact students outside of school.
Author: Rae Jacobson
Publisher: Child Mind Institute

Math Challenges: Videos of Kids
Hear from students in first, sixth, and tenth grade with math challenges and get insight from an expert.
Publisher: Understood

Specific Learning Disability in Mathematics: A Comprehensive Review
This journal article reviews the changing terminology for specific learning disabilities in math and describes the emerging genetics and neuroimaging studies that relate to individuals with math disability.
Authors: Neelkamal Soares, Teresa Evans, and Dilip R. Patel
Publication Date: January 2018
Publisher: Translational Pediatrics

Strategies and Interventions to Support Students with Mathematics Disabilities
This InfoSheet provides an overview of strategies and resources to support students with, or at-risk for, mathematics learning disabilities.
Authors: Brittany L. Hott, Laura Isbell, and Teresa Oettinger Montani
Publication Date: December 2014
Publisher: Council for Learning Disabilities